I hope this made you think


Career Test

(Prelude: We had to take a test to find out what career path best fits our personality and write about it. 9/15/16)

    I am happy that my results point me in the direction of the arts. My major is Cinematic Arts, which is a very broad major. I picked a broad major, but it incorporates most of the things I want to do. I would get very bored and uninspired if I have to do only one of the same thing all the time. I think it might be some form of attention deficit disorder (that's only a self diagnosis), but on the other hand I can get hyper focused on something I want to be focused on. 

    A friend and I were talking about the future and she said that she thought I am too “experimental” to just do one thing when I grow up. If I was quicker on my feet I would have said something like “yeah except the ‘experi’ part” because I thought it was more of a mental disorder than an asset. Then I thought about it and came to the conclusion that maybe she was right and it wasn't inherently good or bad that I'm experimental, but I just have to use that part of me for good. Just today, I called my parents to seek advice about a job. I was offered a job for a work study program, but I didn't realize how much college would swallow my life and I asked my parents how to let the person down easy. My dad switches jobs frequently and maybe that is where I get it from, so I knew he would know what to say. He stays in the same occupation, but under different employers and I want to switch from writer to actor to director etc…

    Experimenting doesn't just have to be what scientists do. It can mean doing something because you don't know the outcome and curious as to what it will be. Once you know and understand the outcome, you can learn from that. After applying what you learned from your previous experiment, find the next thing that makes you think.