I hope this made you think

Modern Talk

Parking Lot Talk

A late night talk in a parking lot on a mission trip with Cooper Jarosz, Emily Knoth, and Jake Meuschke






Intro song: “Run Wild” by Jon Bellion off The Definition

This is the next day after the podcast was recorded. Cooper, Jake, and I.

This is me giving Emily the Tommy Hil shirt in my sweet faded black cut off jeans.

This is when I visited Emily at her college in Ohio January 2019. I can confirm it’s not better than Pittsburgh ;)

Outro song: “I Can Hear Your Feet (Sunrise)” by Childish Gambino off I AM JUST A RAPPER

Here are some of the things we reference:

Carl Sagan explaining the 4th Dimension.

The Mandela effect is an idea that people move between parallel universes. Its name arises because some people have firm memories of Nelson Mandela dying in prison, when in fact he was released and went on to be President of South Africa.

Paul McCartney conspiracy

Tyler talks with Tyson

Seth & Tyler

Fermi Paradox

Tommy WaiteComment