I hope this made you think


Wish List

(Prelude: Sometimes I make wish lists for myself when I don't have money or time so when I have those things I know how to waste it. I actually started a new wish list recently and wish lists are sometimes better than actually acquiring or doing the thing because the anticipation, hope and promise to yourself is exciting and fun in its self. But the thing you want could be not as good or satisfying as the idea of having the option to acquire or do the thing. Most of the time it's that way and rarely do things happen the way you think they should and even if they do, you know you just used one of your "get it my way" tickets. The beauty of those tickets is you don't get to choose how many you get or when you can use them, so enjoy when that ticket gets ripped off while it lasts. 

This list was in no particular order other than the order they popped into my head over time. The only reason it is numbered is because it's easier to read my explanations that way.)

Wish list

  1. Chance Merch
  2. Tidal
  3. Burger 21 w/ Ricky
  4. TPAB
  5. untitled unmastered. 
  6. Late Registration
  7. Graduation
  8. 808's
  9. MBDTF
  10. Soundcloud Pro
  11. Homestead website 
  12. tatum's hat
  13. The To Do List with Donald Glover
  14. Collegrove
  15. Need to Know (Chance) 
  16. Chance live (again)
  17. Kanye live
  18. Louis C.K. live
  19. Chris Hardwick live
  20. Bucketfeet


  1. I'm always in the market for Chance merchandise. If I had it my way, I would have every item available on chanceraps.com. I recently have been realizing that having stuff like that from Chance and Gambino and whatnot that are collectors items is all part of me wanting to feel superior to other people therefore proving that I'm not average. Because that is really important to me, for some reason. [CHECK]
  2. I subscribed to Tidal for a short time because it was advertised as exclusive content and superior sound, but it sounded exactly the same to me. It did have exclusive content and stuff, but it's just worth it for me at this time. It's also not as simple and easy as Apple is with listening and playlists and stuff, so I eventually switched to Apple Music and I love it. [CHECKED]
  3. Burger 21 is a burger place that Ricky likes and told me about. He really wanted to go there and I didn't really care where we went, I just wanted to hang out. And of course we didn't even go there yet because we can't make plans for anything. Anyway, I'm mainly loyal to Buragtory because they are by far the best burgers I've ever had. There was a time when I didn't eat other burgers at all because I only wanted the best (Burgatory). But then summer came around and if I wanted to eat at a friend's cookout, I had to eat a burger, so I had to not be as strict with myself. [NOT CHECKED YET]
  4. To Pimp a Butterfly is something that took me too long to listen to like everything else because I want to give it my full attention, so I finally did it. [CHECK]
  5. untitiled unmastered. is one I haven't given my full attention yet, but Sammy has played me a couple songs and I liked the ones he played. [NOT CHECKED YET]
  6. I've been trying to go through Kanye's discography since 2015 when I first listened to College Dropout and I'm not rushing myself because I want to enjoy each one, so these will get checked, just not yet. [NOT CHECKED YET]
  7. I've been trying to go through Kanye's discography since 2015 when I first listened to College Dropout and I'm not rushing myself because I want to enjoy each one, so these will get checked, just not yet. [NOT CHECKED YET]
  8. I've been trying to go through Kanye's discography since 2015 when I first listened to College Dropout and I'm not rushing myself because I want to enjoy each one, so these will get checked, just not yet. [NOT CHECKED YET]
  9. I've been trying to go through Kanye's discography since 2015 when I first listened to College Dropout and I'm not rushing myself because I want to enjoy each one, so these will get checked, just not yet. [NOT CHECKED YET]
  10. Hopefully eventually I will need to get Soundcloud Pro because I will have more music to put out and will need to upgrade my plan, but right now I don't need that yet. [NOT CHECKED YET]
  11. Homestead is like Squarespace if the owner didn't care. It was a waste of time and money that I tried Homestead before Squarespace for reasons I don't even understand myself because I had podcasts telling me all the time about Squarespace. I'm so happy with Squarespace and it hurts my brain to think about anything other than this host website. [HAPPILY UNCHECKED]
  12. There's a girl that posted on Twitter that she wanted a funny, ironic hat with a link for someone to buy it for her as a joke and I thought the funniest ending to this story is that someone actually gets her the weird hat that she only said she wanted because it would be funny to have. But then I realized that I would either have to creep really hard to find out her address (which would have been so weird and too much to do just for a joke) or ask her what her address was and it's not funny unless it's a surprise package that she gets on her doorstep unknowingly, so I decided against even trying this. [UNCHECKED TO KEEP DIGNITY]
  13. I didn't know that this was a movie he was in and I obviously need to watch everything he's ever done, so naturally I'm going to watch it, but not yet because it's not on Netflix. [NOT CHECKED YET]
  14. It's an album that under further investigation wasn't something I needed to pursue because I heard it wasn't that good from Ricky, but maybe someday down the line I will. [UNCHECKED]
  15. This is a song by Macklemore featuring Chance and it's one of my favorite Chance features, but I didn't have Apple Music yet, so I couldn't just downloaded it. [CHECKED]
  16. I got to see Chance live for the 3rd time since this wish list was made for the Be Encouraged Tour and that's one of the things that lives up to expectation because of course it did, it's Chance. [CHECKED BUT WANT TO CHECK AGAIN]
  17. I didn't see Kanye live yet because it was sooo much money and I think it interfered with school too when he came near me. [NOT CHECKED YET]
  18. I feel insanely fortunate to have seen Louie live and it was an incredible experience. He was so funny & dark and I went on a 8 hour road trip by myself which is cool. [CHECK]
  19. I haven't even had a chance to see him live yet. He was kind of close to where I was once, but I didn't know about it until after he went and I think I was doing something that night anyway, but I think I will see him live one day. [NOT CHECKED YET]
  20. Bucketfeet is a shoe brand that was endorsed by Chance early on in his career and they're a cool local Chicago business. I like the bottom of their shoes, which I feel like is mostly neglected by shoe makers because not a lot of people see them obviously, but I would like to know it's there, kinda like collectables. [NOT CHECKED YET]