Tommy Waite

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How to Eat as a Young Bachelor

Me and my friend Paul Deen

  • Air Fryable - simple, quick, and healthy-ish

  • Minimal dishes - efficiency. don’t want to make a 10 minute meal and spend 30 minutes cleaning after

  • No micro - dries it out/ doesn’t crisp/ inconsistent with heat distribution (only use for heating up cornbread) I'm all for quick and easy, but the quality drop off of the food does not offset the ease of a microwave. Alternatives: use air fryer for pizza, skillet for meat, and oven for anything else

  • Mildly healthy - I wanna be able to play a pickup game of anything at the drop of a hat and that would be hard with a big belly

  • Tasty - cardboard probably doesn’t have a ton of carbs

  • Slow burn - eat for more than three minutes without over eating

  • Make in bulk - basically meal prepping so it’s fast to remake

  • Cheap - bachelors gotta keep the money stacked for when we’re hopefully not single

  • Good leftover - after it’s made in bulk, it’s gotta still be good

Foods that fit these:

  • Spicy Black Bean Burger. con: quick eat. I can eat one in six bites. - I go no bun, but sprinkle some garlic salt on there.

  • Tuna. con: smelly. - If you use quality tuna and vegan mayo it’s not super bad for you.

  • Veggie Spring Rolls. con: can’t make in bulk.

  • Salmon. con: least cheap per meal on the list ($10 frozen from Target), can’t make in bulk or in air fryer. But the taste & health outweigh the cons.

  • Eggs. con: can’t make in bulk and milk & eggs have a short expiration.

  • Pasta. con: not super healthy and if you do make it super healthy then it doesn’t taste as good. Have to use micro to heat up after first day.

  • Jalapeno Cream Cheese Wantons. con: not healthy & can’t make in bulk.

  • Tacquitos. con- super bad for you. - super fast and tasty so they win a lot in a time crunch.

  • DiGiorno Crispy Pan. con- super super bad for you. - good for a chillin night in if you’ve been healthy lately and want to pig it up. This is the only edible frozen pizza I can take.

Please comment below other things fitting the bachelor essentials that we can add to our repertoire.

For the video version of this, skip to 5:10!