Tommy Waite

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What I Want in a Woman

I think it's important to know what you want so when you get it, you know. 


  • Bold=deal breakers if lacking
  • Italic=super important to me
  • Regular=bonus


  • Loyal
  • Patient
  • Trusting
  • Vulnerable
  • Passionate about something
  • Good Listener
  • Giving
  • Call me out on stuff I do to make me better
  • Funny
  • Light teasing
  • Very little pranking
  • Unconditionally nice to random people
  • Freckles 

I don't think this list is asking a whole lot and I'm cool being single forever if I don't think I've found anyone who fits this list.

    People told me that relationships should be a bonus and make your already existing life better and I didn't get that at first. My thought process was to get the girl and everything would fall into place. If the girl is good, then why would I care about anything else? My life would become her life or "our life" was my best case scenario thinking. Now I think it should be "our lives". I think we should both have good separate lives and for our lives to overlap a lot, but not be codependent on each other. What do I know though? I will probably find out this thought process is wrong too.

    For future me: I know love changes the chemicals in your brain, Tommy, so I’m telling you as a person with a lot of hate and sadness in his heart now, don’t get married fast. 3 year minimum & 8 year maximum. Just wait at least three years because how can you make a decision for the rest of your life based on less time than it takes to get a culinary degree? You're telling me I'm not qualified to make a soufflé, but I can put a ring on someone's finger and be legally obligated to be with this person the rest of my life? I just can't make that call yet. If it's not happening after eight years though, move on. You should definitely know after about four. If you're still on the fence at eight years, find someone else because you should be sure by then. There's this thing called the seven year itch with married people when they start to go downhill and the newness wears off, so I'm thinking if we don't have an itch after seven years of being a couple, hopefully that will translate into marriage. Also, Tommy, don't get married super young. How are you supposed to make a decision at 20 for your 80 year old self? How do you know at 20 if you want to spend 4 times your current lifetime with the same person? I want to be sure and there’s no need to marry so fast. It would just be the love chemicals taking over your brain if you wanted to do it so early.

    I can’t see myself getting married and getting tied down. I love staying at my friend's until 2 in the morning or sleeping in my car one night because I don’t feel like driving home from a show and not worrying if someone's worried about me. Also, I don't like that if I do something weird or stupid in someone's mind, that person would look at my girl with a "you're with that and you're okay with that?" face on and vice versa. Hopefully a girl comes along and she’s so awesome that she changes my mind about everything. 

    I'm so happy for my friends that married young by the way. Who's to say if they were right to do that or not? Certainly not me. This is just me giving advice to myself.


Also, I'm scared that I'm not going to find a woman that I love more than Chance. IGH