Tommy Waite

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Rick Wisdom

(Prelude: This is a compilation of some wisdom I've gotten from Ricky through text that I saved in my notes because I thought it was so deep (deeper than I could completely digest at the time probably) and so raw. He often writes out-of-body it seems. Sometimes the things he writes is way beyond his years and I've looked up things he said on the Internet to make sure that it was him and it is. I've told him he's a great writer and needs to do something with it, but he never does. I've asked him multiple times to write for this blog, but he has yet to come through with that, so I'm taking measures into my own hands by posting this.)

When times get hard, do what you gotta do to get by. Keep your eye on the prize and go hard for what you want in life. And don't stop until you get it. Stay focused on what's real and what really matters. Because in the long run, those long nights of suffering and pain will all be part of your story and part of who you are. Don't ever give up. No matter how bad things might seem. But for every step backwards you take, take two steps forward. When you get off track, you gotta grind twice as hard for your dream. For YOU and only YOU. Most importantly stay real to yourself, and stay real to your game. 


Realize. Everyone. Ain't. Loyal 

Make sure to have your own back at all times. 

What you dream of, is really an alter-vision of reality. You have a choice. You can either stick to the script, and put in the input to get to what you want. 

Or you can give up and take the easy way out. And settle.. Never settle. Settling is like taking a bribe with the devil. You sell your soul, you never get it back. 

You walk away from your dream, you walk off the road to success and onto another path. A scary path. 

The sleepless nights, the painful hours, the lonely days. All of that will mean nothing in the end. But if you chose to steer away from yourself, those sleepless nights, the painful hours, and the lonely days..?... That's all you've got in store for yourself. 

Live, try, learn and understand. Learning and understanding are different. Learning is to take in information. Understanding is to make sense of that information. Everyone has their own mind-set and thoughts. They say one mans trash is another mans treasure. One mans treasure might be another mans trash. But really, that treasure and trash are the same thing. Except one is old, washed up, and outdated. And needs refurbished (The Trash) and the other one is freshly dusted, brand new, and ready to go. Some people are blessed with that treasure right off the bat. Others aren't so lucky, and have to start off and work with the trash. Whichever one you may have, realize you have something. Because nothing is something. And something is nothing. But something isn't always nothing. And nothing isn't always something. 


Tomorrow I will explain what it means to me. But In the mean time I'd like it if you tried to interpret so I can hear what it means to you tomorrow. It's not like a scientific definition that can be easily explained. I am still trying to put full meaning to it. But it's more of a thought. And the whole thing isn't just about me and my problems. It's about life itself. And how to accomplish a goal. It's about humanity. And how us humans all have different meaning of life, and yet all of us are so meaningful. The slightest actions can impact the world in a very large way without us even knowing it. Everyone strives for different things in life, but it's the ones that are willing to go beyond a strive, and go ahead and take a dive for what they want. Like the cold water challege. It's so scary and you don't wanna feel all that cold at once. It's kinda like a shock and you don't know the feeling until you actually land in the water... And wow look at me I'm going off again hahaa


Is perfect/happiness real or the want or recovery of pain

Is pain really a bad feeling or is it happiness or road to success. You need to go through it to get happiness. (6/8/14)